Author Archive

Loss Prevention – Thermal Imaging

Thermographic Imaging Reduces the Risk of Electrical Fire What is it? Thermographic imaging is a way of finding out how hot something is by measuring the amount of infrared radiation...

Newsletter – Winter 2017

Hello Material Damage and Business Interruption Insurance Customarily June signals the start of winter, so now is a good time to arrange a maintenance check of buildings, if you haven’t...

Newsletter – Summer 2017

Material Damage and Business Interruption – 1 January 2017 Renewal As you will be aware, preparations for the 1 January 2017 renewal of our Material Damage and Business Interruption insurance...

Newsletter – Spring 2016

Material Damage and Business Interruption Spring is the season where we often experience wild weather and sometimes this type of weather exposes maintenance issues.

Newsletter – 1603

Hello All Material Damage and Business Interruption Insurance It is almost the 1st of June and the official start of winter.

Newsletter 1602

Hello All Material Damage and Business Interruption Insurance We have had some good feedback on the new documentation that was provided for the material damage and business interruption renewal.

Newsletter – 1509

Concordia Underwriting Agency, Marsh Relationship and Renewal Some members have asked about our relationship with Marsh brokers.

Newsletter – 1508

Hello We are fast heading towards the end of the year and it has been a busy time for AIB with development of systems and relationships with Concordia Underwriting Agency....


Hello A quick reminder to those attending the seminar.

Seminar – 14 October 2015

You are invited to the 2015 AIB insurance seminar – invitation.
