Checklist – Steps for Hazard Identification

Steps for Hazard Identification

Review and Revision

 Most importantly, set a date for review of the assessment

 Check that precautions for each hazard adequately control the risk

 If not, indicate the action needed.

Making changes may introduce new hazards e.g. when bringing in new:

  • Machines
  • Substances
  • Procedures


  •  Look for hazards that could cause harm
  •  Slipping/ tripping hazards (e.g. loose tread on stairs or ripped carpet)
  •  Fire (e.g. from flammable materials or candles or matches)
  •  Work at height (e.g. from mezzanine floors)
  •  Electricity (e.g. poor wiring)

Who might be harmed?

  •  Maintenance personnel
  •  Parishioners
  •  Contractors
  •  Cleaners
  •  Members of the public

Controlling the risk

  •  Do precautions meet legal standards?
  •  Comply with industry standards
  •  Represent good practice
  •  Reduce risk as far as practicable
  •  Has adequate training been provided?
  •  Are adequate systems and procedures in place?

Please understand that this checklist is intended as a guide only and should not be used in any other context, or as a replacement for tailored financial advice.
