Checklist – Health & Safety

CheckList – Health and Safety General

 Do all emergency exits open in an outward direction?

 Are all emergency exit doors equipped with panic hardware?

 Are all emergency exits kept unlocked and free of obstructions when buildings are occupied?

 Are exterior fire escapes accessible and well maintained?

 Are exit route maps displayed at regular intervals throughout your facilities?

 Is the kitchen area, including appliances, walls, floors, etc, free of grease accumulation?

 Are kitchen gas range burners maintained so they immediately ignite when the burners are turned on?

 Are hot pads and mitts readily available for handling pots and pans?

CheckList Health and safety cont. personnel

 Do you make it a rule never to accept volunteers who have not been church members for at least six months?

 Are all applicants – employee and volunteer – asked to complete an employment application?

 Do you contact references and employers listed on applications?

 Do you maintain a file of these contacts and what transpired?

 Do you interview prospects only after contacting previous employers and other references?

 Do you have an associate participate in interviews?

 Do you routinely check for arrest and conviction records?

 Do you have a written standard of conduct for adult/children relationships establishing parameters of conduct and contact during and after normal activity hours?

Deficiencies List

List any defects, who will fix them, and the time for completion.

Please understand that this checklist is intended as a guide only and should not be used in any other context, or as a replacement for tailored financial advice.


