Checklist – Liabilities

What steps can be taken to ensure compliance with the policy terms and conditions with regard to notification of a claim?

It is important that all people in our organisation are sufficiently aware that there may be liabilities attaching to them personally or to your organisation arising from the activities and services you provide.

Please note that for Professional Services ‘Employee’ means any person applying for employment, is or was employed under a contract of service, apprenticeship or clerkship with the Policyholder; and includes ministers, presbyters, deacons, lay persons, officers, restorative justice contractors and volunteers of the Policyholder.

For the best results and support in the event a claim does arise it is important that the matter is identified early and advice is sought as to how to best handle and minimise the risk.   As such we suggest regular checks throughout the year to ascertain if there are any matters that require attention to prevent them from potentially escalating at a future date.

Are you aware of any disgruntled or unhappy third party that may allege or are alleging they have suffered a loss from your actions or the actions of your organisation?

Has anyone written a letter of complaint against you or the organisation?

 Have legal proceedings been issued against you?

 Are you seeking legal advice or opinion around a matter or complaint received?

 Are you aware of anything that has happened that may result in a loss to a third party

Date matter came to attention.

Details of the matter.

Details of action taken.

If in doubt as to whether a matter or issue may give rise to a claim – NOTIFY

Please be aware that AIB does not keep claim records after the claim has been resolved.

Legal liability information sheet

Please understand that this checklist is intended as a guide only and should not be used in any other context, or as a replacement for tailored financial advice.
