Newsletter – Winter 2017


Material Damage and Business Interruption Insurance

Customarily June signals the start of winter, so now is a good time to arrange a maintenance check of buildings, if you haven’t already done so. Clean out gutters, hammer down nails that may have come loose and replace any seals that have come away etc. Trees are a regular source of claims, therefore have a close look at any trees that may have become top heavy and could be uprooted in high winds, it may be time to remove them and always keep trees trimmed away from buildings.

Please make use of our checklists and remember that our insurers require us to take ‘reasonable precautions’ in claim prevention.

Fire Service Levies

Some of you may be aware that, from the next renewal, central government has introduced a 39% increase to the fire service levy that is paid at the same time as insurance premiums for material damage. In addition to this there will be another increase at the following renewal; this is because the legislation also changes the sum insured basis of what is covered. In the past we have sent out notices describing how we are able to reduce the impact of these costs by working together. Our current view is that we will still be able to use the measures that we have employed in the past to help us mitigate some of the effect of the increases.

We have prepared a notice for eligible Anglican non-members, describing the benefits of joining our scheme. This notice gives more details about the effect of the changes.

We will keep you informed as we head into the next renewal.

Motor Vehicles

We have recently arranged a new service to help with motor vehicle claims processing. Crash Management is a service that will manage the entire claims process once a claim is notified. A call to 0800 2CRASH puts the process in motion.

We have listed the information Crash Management will require in the ‘Make a Claim’ tab on our website and will be shortly sending local managers brochures, stickers and information for gloveboxes and wallets.

You can read more about this service here.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or comments.

Kind regards

Dave Peters, Executive Director
