Newsletter – 1505

Travel Insurance Renewal

We have recently renewed the travel insurance programme with ACE Insurance NZ Ltd.

The programme is available for both business and private travel in New Zealand and abroad.

The premium is a very competitive $3.30 per person per day for domestic travel and $6.00 per person per day for international travel.

A summary of full details can be found on our website. Travel Insurance.

Material Damage Claims

Not unexpectedly, due to the adverse weather affecting some parts of the country, there have been a higher than usual number of new claims notified. In some instances members or parishes have gone ahead and arranged work to fix the damage prior to notifying the claim. Sometimes this will be necessary, particularly where an instant reaction is required to alleviate the issue or mitigate the potential of more damage. If this is the case, would members please ensure that photographic evidence is taken of the damage so it can be provided in support of the claim.

Where the damage is significant or may involve consequential loss, contact us, we will usually appoint an assessor before any work commences.

In all other instances it is important that any claim, along with quotes and relevant photographic support for the claim, is submitted for approval before any repairs etc commence. Once again, where the damage is significant or may involve consequential loss we will usually appoint an assessor before any work commences.

Please do not hesitate to contact us at anytime if you are uncertain.


This year’s seminar is scheduled to be in Wellington on 14 October 2015. Please note your diaries. It will be a single day event and we are looking to book a venue somewhere close to the airport.

The main topic will be our new administration system. The new system will allow you to manage information about your insurances, claims, valuations etc in real time.

We, and our insurers, will also have instant access to the system in a manner that suits requirements.

As a consequence, we are anticipating considerable overall cost savings to members.

Please do not hesitate to contact me with any other topic you would like to have included in the seminar.

Trustees Annual Report

The trustees annual report for the period ended 31 March 2015 is now available. The report includes AIB’s financial statements and the Chairman’s report regarding significant events from the last year, as well as some of the plans for the upcoming year. You will find the report in the notices area of the website (log on required).


Kind regards

Dave Peters

Executive Director

